Many Contributors
07 22 2013
As was announced publicly on 25 December 2012, the existing system of corporate and governmental rule has been legally shut down via one of its own mechanisms. All debt has been erased and corporations (including but not limited to corporate governments and banks) have been foreclosed.
A series of Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings made by the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) in 2012 created a new framework for social governance that is now in effect. All the people of the world are now legally and lawfully free of economic slavery systems. This fact has now been ratified and formally established within the legal framework of the formerly dominant, corporate-controlled law codes. Corporate-controlled governments and corporate-controlled media have refused to announce this remarkable event, because it means the end of their power. As aware global citizens, we must understand what happened and how, so that we can inform others and begin the process of worldwide change for which all the world's people have been waiting.
Important facts about the existing slavery systems that have now been foreclosed:
- Existing governments are corporations. Corporations collect money on behalf of their investors. This system is oligarchical and designed only to profit a powerful few while the rest of the people work their whole lives in order to support it, thereby stealing the value of the people. So-called governments have acted as beneficiaries rather than trustees of government trusts. For example, the United States, Canada, Australia, The United Kingdom, France, Italy, Brazil, Japan, and South Africa are registered as corporations with the United States Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Corporation of Egypt (which we conventionally think of as a country) is in fact registered with the SEC as an oil company.
- Banks working in collusion with corporate governments then provide huge loans to each country. Bankers and government officials make these loans with the direct intention of creating such a massive debt that the people of the country will be unable to pay it. In this way, banks and governments knowingly and intentionally bankrupt the nation. They start wars and conflicts by selling weapons to both sides, thereby increasing the corporations' profits and increasing the people's debt in regions involved in the conflicts.
- Persons are corporations. When a child is born, that child's parents apply for a birth certificate on behalf of the child. After this application is signed by the parents, the corporate government of the child's natal country uses it to establish a trust fund in the child's name. This trust is used as a collateral account, created and funded in the name of the child who is the actual beneficiary of the trust. However, the crime is that the corporate government does not tell the child's parents that this trust exists. If the child does not register a last will and testament by the time they are 7 years old, the corporate government declares that child to be deceased. Corporate government then assumes financial control of the child's estate, and the bankers and government officials (who are quite aware that most people actually live beyond the age of 7) thereafter treat all people as living slaves. The funds generated by monetizing every person's life, by using every child's future work as collateral, are in turn loaned back to them when they apply for bank financing or a mortgage. All people are then forced to work to repay those funds, plus interest, to the corporate banking system. Again, people have no legal rights within this corporate system of admiralty law because a person is considered to be legally 'dead' by the age of 7 and the corporate government takes control of the estate.
- Corporate governments use mainstream media as a tool to deliver propaganda directly into the homes of the people. Bankers and government officials use mainstream media to manipulate public perceptions of corporate government action and inaction; to reinforce social norms, limits and behaviors; and to sell the people nonsense by creating a fictitious 'need' alongside a product to fulfill it. Educational and religious institutions reinforce this psychology as well. Corporations, governments and mainstream media all tell the same lies. The aim of all of them is to create conflict, person against person and country against country, so that they can make more money.
- The world’s existing economic structure, now foreclosed, is a mechanism of mass slavery. Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property and are forced to work for survival. Slaves are held against their will from the time of their birth, capture, or purchase, and they are deprived of the right to leave or refuse to work.
Is this an overthrow of governments?
The foreclosure does not constitute an overthrow of governments, because these so-called governments do not in fact represent the people: they are corporations that have until now masqueraded as governments by secretly rewriting the constitutions of sovereign nations. Their end can only be seen as long overdue.
UCC: The ‘bible of commerce’
The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is called the 'bible of commerce'. It precisely dictates the manner in which international trade and commerce should be enacted. In fact, the entire commercial system pivots around UCC law. If a person's mortgage is foreclosed on, or their car is repossessed, the bank uses the UCC process to do so. All international transactions between nations are settled through the UCC. UCC law is not taught in law schools. It remains the domain of corporations who train their own legal-department employees in UCC law, thus keeping the knowledge of this important mechanism 'in house'. The U.S. court system invariably supports the corporate system. This is not surprising, because 99% of our laws relate to ownership or commerce. The OPPT Trustees concluded that the corporations operating under the guise of the people’s governments and financial systems were committing treason against all the people of this planet without the people’s knowing, willing and intentional consent.
How did the Trustees achieve the foreclosure of slavery systems?
OPPT was created when the three OPPT Trustees bonded themselves to (and so reinstated) the Trust that was framed in the original United States Constitution of 1776. That constitution was abandoned when the United States government was incorporated in 1871. Other countries were incorporated after the Great Depression of the 1920s, which was itself a result of market manipulation by bankers. The very same manipulation has been ongoing since 2008.
The OPPT Trustees then bonded every individual on the planet to this Trust as its beneficiaries in equity, known as 'the One People, created by The Creator'. In so doing, the Trustees framed a trust that has a superior claim to any other: the Trust between the Creator and the 'states of body' of Earth. The 'states of body' of Earth are the beneficiaries of the Creator; all the people of the world are the custodians of the Creator’s manifestations on Earth. Lawfully speaking, there can be no higher claim than that of the One People’s Public Trust, except for one made by the Creator.
The legal remedy is that corporations are foreclosed. Their assets are now being returned to the people through SWISSINDO Exhibits A-B. These funds are to be redistributed through Creation's Value Asset Centers (CVACs) and supported by a new financial system. In this way, the wealth of our planet is returned to the people equally. All corporate debt is erased and the corporate government system is terminated. The public record shows it: the OPPT UCC filing now stands as international law. According to the system’s own rules, the system no longer exists. In practical terms, it is now in a transitional phase.
Lawfully, nobody can stand as a superior authority between a person and the Creator. By lawfully removing the control mechanisms of economy and government, the One People’s Public Trust leaves individuals in full liability, each one being personally responsible for themselves. We ensure the freewill rights of others by using the legal framework of the CVAC to form local governance (not 'government').
The OPPT UCC filings specified that our planet’s resources cannot therefore be owned by corporations; sold to the people for a price; metered out in ‘salary’ quantities to enslave the people; or withheld to create poverty or destitution. Under the One People’s Public Trust, we all have equal equity. Our planet’s resources now belong to each of us in equal measure. That is our birth right. Now it is law.
What solutions are provided by the OPPT UCC Filings?
With the lawful dissolution of the corporate government systems comes the dissolution of the multitude of statutes and regulations that were created through its legislative and administrative frameworks. The illegal debts of the former corporations are not the debts of the people. The International Criminal Court defines these as 'odious debt'.
To facilitate our transition into the post-corporate world, the OPPT Trustees created a new lawful framework, informed by universal common law, which will allow us to build new economic and legal communities and which also allows for the dismantling of the old unjust system. Universal law based in common law now becomes the overarching principle for governing conduct between beings. According to universal law, “any free will choice is permissible except where it interferes with the free will choice of another being.” Any person (and especially all military personnel whose oaths have been cancelled by the termination of the corporation they worked for) may now “knowingly, willingly, and intentionally volunteer” to be bonded to the Public Trust “as public servants… to protect and serve all people of the creator.”
Public servants who choose to become bonded to the Public Trust are:
- Authorized and ordered to "protect and preserve the blood and life” of all persons;
- Authorized to “take into custody any and all … agents and officers… owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems… legal enforcement systems… [and] operating slavery systems”;
- Authorized to “repossess all private money systems, tracking, transferring, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems”;
- Granted "due authority of discretion… to use any [and] all means, force and strategies… to complete this order.”
Willing members of the military are provided a lawful framework to abandon the corporate-controlled military, to bond themselves to the Public Trust, and to actively contribute to the repossession of the people’s assets. Military orders established by OPPT UCC Filing No. 2012096074 are:
- Arrest and take into custody any and all certain states of body, their agents, officers, and other actors, regardless of domicil by choice:
- Repossess all private money systems, tracking, transferring, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems, slavery systems and any and all other systems pre-paid by state citizens without consent, inclusive of those commandeered therefrom, and secure them for the people;
- You are duly forbidden and prohibited from taking the blood and life of any state of body created by the Creator:
- You are duly authorized and ordered to protect and preserve the blood and life of any state of body:
- You are absolutely granted due authority of discretion to forthwith implement and use any all means, force, and strategies, known and unknown, of the Creator and the created, to complete this ORDER, done and operated, with the restrictions stated herein, by, with and under your full personal liability, insured by your due oath and bond as identified herein, restated, and further guaranteed and insured by, with and under the full personal liability of the undersigned bondservants, states of body, and trustees.
The CVAC: Creation's Value Asset Center
The trust that is now formally prepared to underwrite this global initiative has been misused at an international level. In February of this year, the Trustee of the SWISSINDO International Orbit Trust, Mr. A1.Sino.AS.S“2”.IR.Soegihartonotonegoro, ST, deployed the One People’s Public Trust UCC filings to legally declare an end, worldwide, to corruption, collusion and nepotism (known in Indonesia by the acronym KKN: ‘korupsi, kolusi, nepotisme’). The people of the Earth are presently afraid to retire old systems of government, banking, and judicial structure because they don't know what will replace them, even though the complete corruption of these institutions is killing us all. We can resolve that equation with the logic of a robust new framework that will handily support our transition to life on a much better planet.
Creation’s Value Asset Centres (or CVACs) are assistance mechanisms designed to support and serve humanity, the custodians of Earth. They provide an interconnected, global network of support, operated by bonded public servants who act in full liability at all times. They provide a simple framework of governance and administration, covering 12 areas of functional process.
Each former nation on the planet has one CVAC branch reserved for it. Each CVAC branch administers the same services and operates in the same way as the CVAC branches in other regions, adjusted for local requirements. Every human on the planet will be supported by each and any CVAC hub, and every human will have access to the same resources and support networks. CVACs facilitate the development of local communities, digitally connected. Each administrative area of each CVAC is operated by a Regional Council whose primary role is to coordinate and facilitate the people in making decisions and resolving issues. This structure also allows for additional sub-CVACs to be created, accommodating new circumstances or initiatives, provided that their function is for the benefit of all beings and does not undermine the freewill rights of others. By definition, the CVAC system is the antithesis of the corrupt corporate tools we called 'governments'. Accountability and transparency are the cornerstones of the CVAC framework. CVACs provide the platform for us to simplify and unify laws for all, and to ensure that the needs of all are met. Public servants are now prevented from impinging on the freewill of any entity “in any and all existence”, and bound to “preserve and protect all creations, and value and asset centers”. Stewards and council members will be subject to renewal of their bonded roles at three-month intervals, which ensures that public servants remain responsible to the people at all times. For these reasons, CVACs are the foundation of a new type of governance. The system now serves the people, and not the other way around.
GOD SKY EARTH is the first CVAC
Mr. Sino.AS does not seek to change any existing economic systems that are doing no harm. Rather, he wishes to offer everyone, globally, the first CVAC structure as a carapace of protection under which funds can be disbursed. Mr. Sino.AS’s main intent is to preserve existing systems wherever this is possible. He does not wish to harm any other living being nor see any harmed. Here, Mr. Sino.AS’s metaphysical sense comes through strongly. Indonesian culture has retained a focus on ancient metaphysical principles that have been discouraged in western culture. GOD SKY EARTH has been created entirely to suit one sovereign being’s interaction with the needs and desires of like-minded others. Indeed, we expect this of the participants of every CVAC on the planet. GOD SKY EARTH cannot be regarded as a kingdom in any of the usual western historical senses of the term, because the CVAC structure is entirely non-coercive. Similarly, it is not necessary to subscribe to the tenets of one particular philosophy or ecclesiastical doctrine in order to be receptive to the underlying values that Mr. Sino.AS endorses, as they are universal. This is the New World Order entirely defanged.
As the 681st King of Kings, Mr. Sino.AS wishes to introduce and endorse his own CVAC recommendations for governance (not government), according to which each participant affirms that they stand in full self-awareness and declares that they are willing to become a sovereign of the kingdom of the world. As a sovereign of the kingdom of the world they affirm their planet's commitment to a civil world governance founded in principles of universal values, the basis of the law of the world. As a sovereign being participating in the kingdom of the world, they consciously affirm their inherent responsibilities and rights as a legitimate member of the world community. Mr. Sino.AS concludes that the principle of unity above all is a civil commitment to preserve planet Earth.
The collateral supporting the accounts that GOD SKY EARTH proposes to grant directly to the people of the world is collected under the SWISSINDO Trust designation 'Exhibits A and B'. The backing for these accounts consists of 74,760,920,184 kilograms of collateral gold, stored throughout the Indonesian Archipelago. Traditionally, by “master agreement” (and prior to Mr. Sino.AS's change of plans), Mr. Sino.AS has handed the dividends of the interest-bearing accounts backed by this gold to 25 countries through the U.N. and the World Bank. These are the off-ledger accounts that have been funding the world's corporations, including the world's corporate governments, for decades.
Witnessing that there is "global change and fiscal strain and demand of a monetary nature,” Mr. Sino.AS has declared that the Committee of 300 and the United Nations have now received sequential audits performed on behalf of the SWISSINDO Trust, and so are amply informed of both his plan and his authority to execute it. These audits are represented in the Declaration as “ASBLP Final Report 1900-2008, ASBLP-0333902-2010, ASBLP-Audited Accounts 0330-2012 Data Sheets INFINITE BANK STATEMENTS (Supervision: The Committee of 300 - The World Bank Group)”. The document proclaims that the Committee of 300 and the United Nations have now had the opportunity to review the changes Mr. Sino.AS has made to the plan for disbursement of the Global Collateral Accounts, per audits of the Trust's Infinite Bank Statements as supervised by the World Bank. Because the Bank for International Settlements (and all subsidiary banks globally) have now been lawfully foreclosed by the UCC legal filings of the One People's Public Trust, SWISSINDO seeks to establish an alternate route for disbursing the funds of the Trust to all of the world's people directly. In technical terms, this is not a complex matter. The means of bypassing the existing banking system is straightforward.
Mr. Sino.AS's instruction is for the asset-based funds that will enable the transition to be disbursed via a series of CVACs that for the sake of convenience he calls the '5 Continents': Asia, Africa, Europe, Americas, and Australia. The people called to manage this transition will work under the following auspices: “UN-SWISSINDO-OMD for Europe; UN-MUN-SWISSINDO for Asia, UN-SWISSINDO (OPPT) for Africa, the Americas, and Australia.” In implicit acknowledgement of the student revolutionaries who have been critically important to Indonesia’s history as a republic, Sino avers that this is “the new generation of the best in the world as the messenger of GOD, the Lord Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth.” Sino proposes to pay out a series of accounts numbered 1-11 to “all participants”, which is to say to the global human population. The funds go to all “7 Billion people on Planet Earth (5 Continents) with the Global Key Master Plan” that has been in development since the time of the Declaration of Indonesian Independence, but which had been subverted by large corporate organizations and institutions that have now been foreclosed.
Mr. Sino.AS recommends that members of the GOD SKY EARTH CVAC stop “the bankers and heads of government who have been violators of human rights (UN-1948) since the start of the Republic of Indonesia, and which have inhibited the management of the assets” known to westerners as the Global Collateral Accounts. Mr. Sino.AS acknowledges that the existing government and banking bureaucracies constitute a harvesting system. This debt slavery system can now be replaced with an asset-based system of credit that eliminates usury. The UCC legal filings of the One People’s Public Trust foreclosed existing banks and governments; reconfirmed the legal framework for true common law, replacing for-profit admiralty law systems; and laid the framework for CVACs as new forms of governance. CVAC governance councils that are established by sovereign beings, each having their own system of value exchange under common law, is the only legal mandate by which the SWISSINDO Trust can be administered.
Moving Forward
The Public Trust represents a massive paradigm shift. It provides a structural change that will enable a long-overdue energetic change. The Public Trust ratifies our freedom as Beings of the Creator in perpetuity. It corrects by law the imbalances of poverty, inequity and unsustainability. It provides a platform upon which we can all experience the wonders and resources of our planet. It removes the façade of corporate entities and the ridiculous protocols that protected its perpetrators.
We are in a period of massive social, political and spiritual transformation. The process of reforming former corporations into worldwide cooperatives will no doubt take time, but we already have the lawful power to reject the old system. In addition, we now have access to the funding available to make this a reality. Food, water and shelter are basic human rights and we will all be provided with the means to fulfill these basic needs without fighting for them. We have many decisions to make. What opportunities will we create with the CVACs framework? Right now, it is the duty of every one of us to manifest the freedom of the Public Trust in our daily lives, and to help others to understand and integrate and manifest it in their lives too. Freedom is not free. It comes with responsibility.
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